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God Encounter 20
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To God Be ALL the Glory!

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Name: Donna Wilson Email: blessedwitthree@aol.com
Welcome Page:
Country: USA Date: 18 Feb 2012 08:31:17 GMT

Comment: God blessed me in a special way on the 21st of January prayer conference. God began to bring to pass the new thing He had promised me on the 1st of Jan 2012. At the time I didnt know on what day the conference was, but it happened to be on the day God promised Jan 1st. Everything was so beautiful.


Name: Isabelle Lay Email: Laynation@aol.com
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 1 Jan 2011 17:21:36 GMT

Comment: God did a mighty work in the spirit for the Alabama Ministers.The word of the Lord can that God was going to deal with the strong holds over that region. The pastor said all I know is we need to pray and pray diligently. As he and Evangelist Knight ministered to the ministers,another man of God saw in the spirit what I propheticly acted out. He said when I spinned around spinning ny hands he saw a shaft of light coming from heaven over them. The Lord opened a portal to them like Jacob. Glory to God

Name: Isabelle Lay Email: Laynation@aol.com
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 1 Jan 2011 17:32:11 GMT

Comment: Outside the camp to the tent of meeting, What a honor to be carriers of His glory.Acts 16 9;10A vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying Come over into Macedonia, and help us, And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia asuredly gathering that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel unto them. Thank you Evangelist Knight for your obedience, preservance and your love for our Lord Christ.RUN T0 THE RIVER!

Name: Gerrie Callahan Email: revcal2004@yahoo.com Welcome Page: Country: Date: 17 May 2010 18:45:39 GMT Comment: I would like to share a portion of my God Encounter experience and how God is still imparting His Vision to me. The first encounter happened upon arrival at the top of the mountain as I look out over God's awesome creation and glory. Just prior to going on this trip to experience God up close and personal, I was given a picture by a professional photographer. The picture turned out to be the site of the God Encounter. I never met the photographer before that time, and I had never been to this location in my entire life. THAT PICTURE WAS GOD'S PERSONAL INVITATION TO ME TO COME TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP! I could go on and on about the many encounters received there, as well as, those since returning home. Keep your spiritual ears open "women of God" to hear His Voice in a CLARION CALL, soon to come! Much Love, g/callahan 

Pastor Elease Walker
Email: Ladyeagleharvest@yahoo.com
Welcome Page:
Country: Date: 20 Apr 2010 03:11:40 GMT

Comment: O come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord! We indeed went to the mountain and the Lord God of the mountain met us there! I will never be the same. Thank you Evangelist Elaine for your obedience and your desire to please Daddy God more than anyone or anything. Nations are being blessed because of your "Yes Lord". The Mountain Encounter was Excellent in everyway; the music,the speakers, the worship, the cabin, the rooms, the atmosphere, the food, the prayers. We are all forever grateful.

Name: Dieldra Griffin Email: dgriffn9@student.gsu.edu
Welcome Page:
Country: Date: 14 Apr 2010 16:01:19 GMT

Comment: Can you say awesome!! I am so thankful that I was able to bask in the presence of God this past weekend, it was so refreshing. It was almost as if I had been underwater looking up seeing the blurriness of the surface, struggling to get there, while trying not to breathe. Entering into his presence and allowing his love to consume me this weekend was my much needed breath of fresh air. He showed me who I am and WHOSE I am while repairing my broken pieces. Isn’t Good great!! I am preserving what I received from Him on the mountain. Thank you Evangelist Knight for being obedient and thank you Lord for allowing me to encounter You.

Name: Dieldra Griffin Email: dgriffn9@student.gsu.edu
Welcome Page:
Country: Date: 14 Apr 2010 16:06:20 GMT

Comment: I am so thankful that I was able to bask in the presence of God this past weekend, it was so refreshing. Entering into his presence and allowing his love to consume me this weekend was my much needed breath of fresh air. He showed me who I am and WHOSE I am while repairing my broken pieces. Isn’t Good great!! I am preserving what I received from Him on the mountain. Thank you Evangelist Knight for being obedient and thank you Lord for allowing me to encounter You.

Name: Dianne Johnson Email: dmjohnson1019@yahoo.com
Welcome Page:
Country: USA Date: 14 Apr 2010 11:00:04 GMT

Comment: Oh, what a time we have the weekend of April 9, 2010 in Tenn. As we gathered together, we were met with women that desired God and was thirsty for Him. We were given His Presence, His Voice and His Directions. Thank you Evangelist Knight for following His instructions and gathering us together. THank you God for your Glory.

Name: Nickello Campbell Email: nickello@bellsouth.net
Welcome Page:
Country: USA Date: 14 Apr 2010 11:34:39 GMT

Comment: I truly had a blessed and wonderful time at God Encounter #9 in Smoky Mountains. From the spiritual to the temporal everything was superb, well organized, well put together with lots of thought & compassion.The Lord truly bless.He not only showed up He also showed hmm. Praise the Lord!

Name: Terri Scott Email: terri.scott@yahoo.com
Welcome Page:
Country: USA Date: 14 Apr 2010 11:40:39 GMT

Comment: I have to tell you to not ever doubt what your assignment is. I have been still after all of these years, listening to the CDs that I received from you from past God Encounters.I appreciate your passion for us through what God has told you to do for His people & in turn I have shared with others what you so graciously shared with us. I will be forever grateful. My hunger & thirst has not lessened either! Thank you.

Name: Lisa Hoff Email: davjon2010@gmail.com
Welcome Page:
Country: USA Date: 13 Apr 2010 18:25:49 GMT

Comment: Evangelist Knight, Thank you so much for extending an invitation and an opportunity to be filled with more of His Love. I so appreciate the sacrifices made by all so that we could see Him. This was a life changing experience for me. The Promises of God will be Preserved in me as I continue to become who He has called me to be. I will continue to keep you lifted up as you journey on ahead of us. I pray His Will for your life and those who walk along with you. Glory Be to God!

Name: Gloria Purvis Email: truleblesgep@yahoo.com
Welcome Page:
Country: Date: 12 Apr 2010 19:49:21 GMT

Comment: Evangelist Knight, to God be the glory for the things that He has in store for His daughter,and for you walking in obedience to do and be what He has called you to do,thank you. All that I can say is that I know that my life will never be the same,I now have a clean heart because of what He told you to tell us,I felt the love of God that is in you, and how serious this is for you, something that can't be taken for granted, continue to perservere through all the challenges while serving Him.

Name: Delores Harling Email: harlingd922@yahoo.com
Welcome Page:
Country: Date: 12 Apr 2010 05:46:26 GMT

Comment: I attended the Encounter in the mountains in Pigeon Forge Tenn. My heart cried out for so long for a place to be with Abba away from the stress of life & GOD not only answered my prayers He manifested his Glory beyond my greatest expections. I am forever changed & charged wanting more of Him like never before. I didn't want to leave & as I viewed the pictures tears of joy fell from my face as I recall the divine connections made & the encounters w Abba Daddy that were priceless! Love Delores

Name: Rosalyn Mobley Email: rosalyn.mobley@yahoo.com
Welcome Page:
Country: UNITED STATES Date: 11 Mar 2010 05:01:45 GMT

Comment: Evangelist Knight~ No matter what Stand! you are doing an awesome!work for the Lord. Even when the enemy attempts to discourage be encouraged! even when you are in leadership the road seems a little dark,just continue to do what you are doing with the strong passion!! and energy that you have to inspire others about ENCOUNTERING GOD! you are truly an inspiration to me I salute you for all that you do... I appreciate you and love you deeply. Sis Rosalyn Mobley

Name: Gerrie Callahan Email: revcal2004@yahoo.com
Welcome Page:
Country: USA Date: 4 Jan 2010 19:32:25 GMT

Comment: I have been blessed by your god-given vision for such a time as this. I pray for the success of your journey and assignment to bring others closer to God himself. This ministry has drawing power and I can feel the presence of God even as I write this message. I'll be praying for you and all who hear God's voice, and are compelled to come. May God be praised for His wonderful works to the children of men.

Name: Bj Blackman Email: bj400@bellsouth.net
Welcome Page:
Country: USA ALABAMA Date: 11 Nov 2009 01:14:34 GMT

Comment: I thank God that I know you. For your very existence is a pure demonstration of His Glory in the earth. Your consistent work for His Kingdom is a God Encounter. Respectfully

Name: Myrna Chapple Email: myrna.chapple@mwv.com
Welcome Page:
Country: USA Date: 13 May 2009 21:07:55 GMT

Comment: This is a beautiful testiomony and wonderful instrument. What a gift God has given you to give to us. I consider being a part of this a true priviledge and honor. You are a true warrior for truth in so many aspects of your life journey. I will share this with many.

Name: Lutricia Bryant Email: lbryant@hotmail.com
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 11 May 2009 22:15:05 GMT

Comment: Songs of Deliverance Ministry is an awesome Ministry that will usher in the presence of God and you will have a life changing experience. Yokes will be destroyed because of the Anointing. God Bless


God Encounter 4 - Eden Crest Log Cabins - Smoky Mountain, Tennessee.
February 28-March 3, 2008.
"Oh how I praise God for this summoning.  This has been a great experience for me. God has answered my inward cry and He has done something that I don't yet know, but in time He will reveal it. Evangelist Knight bless you and all the other ministers and the helpers,  for your service in the Lord because you love Him."  
Joyce Harts

"This weekend is an awesome & life changing Spiritual experience. Absolutely Awesome!"  Lutricia Bryant

"Praise Him! I heard the clarion call! Received the Fire of the Holy Ghost and washed in the Living Waters ordained by God! I shall never be the same! "
Pastor Yvonne Freeman

"At the mountain, or should I say on the mountain, I found the path to the next level "In" the Lord.  It is the path to HOLINESS... not anointing, not calling ... not service, BUT I must be HOLY. Be ye holy for I AM holy ... says Jesus.  Thank you Father for the Fire."
Pastor BJ

God Encounter 6 - Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, Georgia.
September 26-28, 2008

"Elaine, once again I have witness what you hear in the Bridal Chambers. I am so happy to be a part of what God is doing in and through your life. Keep swimming in the deep waters,  because with every wave that reaches the banks of the river lives are transformed in His Glory." 

Name: Gerrie Callahan Email: revcal2004@yahoo.com
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 17 May 2010 18:45:39 GMT

Comment: I would like to share a portion of my God Encounter experience and how God is still imparting His Vision to me. The first encounter happened upon arrival at the top of the mountain as I look out over God's awesome creation and glory. Just prior to going on this trip to experience God up close and personal, I was given a picture by a professional photographer. The picture turned out to be the site of the God Encounter. I never met the photographer before that time, and I had never been to this location in my entire life. THAT PICTURE WAS GOD'S PERSONAL INVITATION TO ME TO COME TO THE MOUNTAIN TOP! I could go on and on about the many encounters received there, as well as, those since returning home. Keep your spiritual ears open "women of God" to hear His Voice in a CLARION CALL, soon to come! Much Love, g/callahan

Name: Andrea Email: joyas1@att.net
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 8 Jan 2011 20:42:31 GMT

Comment: Praise God for his healing presence. In our cottage Father manifested his love to a lady who had experienced a great hurt. She was able to forgive her offenders and made a choice to move on in life. Thank you Prophet Knight for your press and "yes Lord".

Name: Dr. Ann Adwaters Email: 
Welcome Page:   
Country: USA  Date: 13 Feb 2016 01:39:02 GMT

Comment: I am so proud of how the Lord is using You.You are an awesome women of God, stay focus and stay hid in Christ, and God will continue to do great things in you, through you and with you.

Name: Dessie Williams Email: Fowler.dessie@gmail.com
Welcome Page:   
Country:   Date: 2 Jun 2016 02:26:45 GMT

Comment: This is awesome!!! I didn't know this about you.. i will support you luv...stay blessed and highly favored

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