God Encounters Birth
We Pray
We Worship
God Encounter 20
God Encounters Birth
We Pray
We Worship
God Encounter 20
GE 20 Registration
Books/Media Resouces


Sunday, June 14 - 17, 2020
Billy Graham Cove
1 Porter Cove
Asheville, NC

REGISTRATION LINK:  http://songsofdeliveranceministries.com/god-encounter-20-registration.html

(Once you register, we will email you re if you are paying full amount
or desire a payment plan; then we will invoice you)

Greetings Women of God, 

God Encounter #20 is scheduled for June 14-17, 2020. 

The Surrender to I AM 🔥🔥🔥 
The I AM Woman, Who is She?

God said to share this.... 
In 2005, I was commissioned by God, to bring His people to Him, to establish environments conducive to hosting His glory and when I do this... He said, I will come and MY people will Encounter ME. He said, I want my people back. He said, we have organized religion that has distracted, limited & hindered how He wants to move in our lives. He said for me to build this ark, that will host His glory & call it God Encounter because My people must encounter ME to transform into MY likeness & be delivered from the organized religious systems of today that are void of MY power. 

God Encounters are a set time of separation unto the Lord God... it's not a conference, nor a one time event... it is where you will leave your familiar places, lay aside your cell phone with hearts prepared to seek, love on, worship & encounter God... to be infused with Him... All focus is on Him... this is not the normal girl's trip... we won't be touring or shopping till we drop... we don't emphasize speakers... its ALL about God.... don't you think that it's time for you to seek God more deeply?

We will gather at the Billy Graham Cove, located in Asheville, North Carolina, a very anointed & beautiful place. A chartered bus will travel from Atlanta, Georgia. The audience will be women from ages 17 & up.
Dont miss the early bird special which will end on November 28, 2019. Cost details are on the flyer! Register today!


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